Monday, November 26, 2018

Automation Strategy (Email): Method Naming - Do What You Promise

I have always made clear how critically important method names are.  Sometimes the difference is very big and sometimes is it more subtle.  I just want to point out a couple of examples I've just seen.

A pretty big one is

which looks to see if a user exists, but if it does not, it creates a new user.  Creating a new user has NOTHING to do with verifying a user's existence.  I have created an issue to refactor the name to verifyOrCreateUser()

I would expect this method to enter text fields on a page.  What it actually does is enter all the text fields, then click the Create User button.  This is a subtle difference, but in some refactoring, Vibhav renamed it to

which I believe is a better name, because this method does more than simply entering details.

Every time you write a new method, give serious thought to what its name should be.  The next developer to come along will waste a lot of time and be upset with you if your method says one thing but actually does another (or does more than what it says).  It would be like if you asked someone "Please get me a drink" and they said "No problem," then they got you a drink, drank all of it, and handed you an empty cup.  Don't be that guy!

Note that we didn't change the name from

instead, we go up a level in abstraction and just called it

This helps avoid creating methods with very long names.  If you have any questions or would like suggestions for method names, please ask.

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