Thursday, November 29, 2018

Automation Strategy (Email): Putting Intelligence into Your Library Methods


This is an email I sent to my team who had written some if statements which were dependent on the customer in use (customers could customize their UIs to some extent).  I let them know that since several customers will have similar UIs, we don't need to do an if based on each customer ID, we can put some intelligence into the method so it can decide what to do based on what the UI looks like.

In general, I'm not interested in testing that the UI is correct and that the test data is set up correctly - I'm interested in testing the logic, e.g. add to cart, change quantity, make a purchase.  That statement is relevant here because let's say customer 1234's should be set up to use UI version A and there's a bug in UI version A.  The test should fail.  But if the test data has customer 1234 set up to use UI version B, the automation will happily use UI version B and may pass.  But I would argue that's a data setup problem, not an automation problem, and would be a problem even if the test were run manually.


Currently in we have code that looks like this:

 public void addProductToShoppingCart(CheckOutProduct checkOutProductString catalog) {
if (catalog.equals(StaticData.US_CATALOG_1234) {
//do one thing
else {
//do a different thing

If we use lots of manufacturers, this list will get big.  This method addProductToShoppingCart() does not have much intelligence in it, and theoretically the manufacturer's page could change.  Something we can do instead of blindly relying on the manufacturer ID is to make the method more intelligent.  The method could analyze the page, such as:

 public void addProductToShoppingCart(CheckOutProduct checkOutProductString catalog) {
if (navigationLinkA.isPresent()) {
//do one thing
if (navigationLinkB.isPresent()) {
//do a different thing

An example of this would be in the selling portal – some customers have a side navigation link with text "Part Numbers" and other have a link that has text "List by Part Number"

In fact, now that I think about it, a better solution would be to have a method called "navigateToPartList()" and put these if statements in there, then all addProductToShoppingCart() would do is call navigateToPartList()... 

As I've said many times before, let's keep pushing that work farther down the road (make someone else do it), and have lots and lots of very simple, reusable methods.

As always, this is not the best solution in all cases.  Using the customer ID is perfectly fine sometimes, this is just an alternative way of doing things.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Automation Strategy (Email): We Will Achieve Efficiency Through Correctness, Not Speed

I just thought this was important enough to make a post about.  At first I thought it would be self-explanatory, but in case it isn't - I'm talking about team efficiency, not processor efficiency, although the case could be made there as well.

This is a team of contractors who, like most contractors, wanted to pump out tests and executions.  I consistently ask them to slow down and write good code so that our pull requests go faster and our code requires less debugging during automation execution.

From: JW

Date: Monday, November 26, 2018 at 1:20 PM

To: AP, VG

Subject: Re: Test_Automation(22-Nov-2018)

Please always pay attention to details.  Our Pull Request numbers and SQA Project numbers are very close.  Below it says PR 475 but should be SQA-475.  Not a big deal, but just go a little slower - we will become the most efficient by prioritizing correctness over speed.  The same is true for writing clear, understandable code.  We need to think more about the next developer than we do about ourselves.  If it takes you extra time to save your teammate time, please do it - a week later you may be the one receiving this gift!

Automation Lead

From: AP
Date: Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 10:45 AM
To: JW
Subject: Test_Automation(22-Nov-2018)

Hello Team,
As per plan of action, team worked on automated suite execution and failure analysis of 18.12 release.

  • Worked on failure analysis of OR and fulfiller-15569 automated regression tests(SQA-469)
  • Updated the Wiki page for 11 known issues of 18.12 release. 
  • Reviewed PR 475 and updated comments in JIRA for it
  • Reviewed PR-419 and updated comments in JIRA for it
  • Created PR-423,PR-424 for SQA-453 and completed it

Tomorrow's plan of action:- To continue work on fixing the failed test-script and handling prescripts and further work on SQA board tickets.


Automation Strategy (Email): Method Naming - Do What You Promise

I have always made clear how critically important method names are.  Sometimes the difference is very big and sometimes is it more subtle.  I just want to point out a couple of examples I've just seen.

A pretty big one is

which looks to see if a user exists, but if it does not, it creates a new user.  Creating a new user has NOTHING to do with verifying a user's existence.  I have created an issue to refactor the name to verifyOrCreateUser()

I would expect this method to enter text fields on a page.  What it actually does is enter all the text fields, then click the Create User button.  This is a subtle difference, but in some refactoring, Vibhav renamed it to

which I believe is a better name, because this method does more than simply entering details.

Every time you write a new method, give serious thought to what its name should be.  The next developer to come along will waste a lot of time and be upset with you if your method says one thing but actually does another (or does more than what it says).  It would be like if you asked someone "Please get me a drink" and they said "No problem," then they got you a drink, drank all of it, and handed you an empty cup.  Don't be that guy!

Note that we didn't change the name from

instead, we go up a level in abstraction and just called it

This helps avoid creating methods with very long names.  If you have any questions or would like suggestions for method names, please ask.