Sunday, December 30, 2018

Information Science: What do Digital and Analog Mean? It's Fairly Simple Really...


People frequently use the word "digital" to describe anything that's modern.  It means something specific, and it's pretty easy to learn.  And learning is cooool.


In modern society, "digital" is often used in non-scientific ways from "digital music" to vague sentiments like "the Digital Age."  Digital and analog have simple meanings, and neither has anything to do with computers.  Digital simply means you're using a set of values that you know the exact values of.  In computers, that set of values is 0 and 1.  It is a discrete set of values.


Analog simply means you're using the full, continuous range all values between your minimum and maximum.  There are an infinite number of values between 0 and 1.  For example, 0.5 and 0.6.  But I can "go between" these numbers with the value 0.55.  and I can "go between" 0.55 and 0.6 with 0.575.  I can keep doing this infinitely.  Analog systems do not measure, track or store discrete values.


The simplest example of this I can think of involves musical instruments.

Imagine a trombone: you can play an E by holding the slide in a certain position.  To play an F, you move the slide a little closer in, but if you move it a little less than you should, you're between the two notes.  Since you're not playing an E or an F, it's probably going to sound bad because you'll be flat.  You can play an E and an F, but you can also play the full, infinite range of pitches between those 2 notes.

On piano however, you press the E key, you get an E, you press the F, you get an F.  You cannot play the pitches between those notes.  That's nice because it's one less thing to worry about... but you also can't play the "womp womp" sound.

The trombone is analog and the piano is digital.

A few more quick examples are a full-on rainbow, versus a simple rainbow:

And slider belt versus a belt with holes:

The Physical Medium vs How It's Used

In the case of the belts above, you might notice something: The "digital" belt with the holes cannot be used in an "analog" way.  The "analog" belt however... if you used white paint to make lines on it every inch or so, and you chose to only use the belt at those increments, you would effectively be using the "analog" slider belt in a "digital" way.  In fact this is true of cassette tapes (think 1980s).  Cassette tapes were primarily used to store music, for example MC Hammer's "Too Legit to Quit," but they were also used in computer systems (Atari, Commodore, etc.) to store binary (digital) data.

I used them some in the 80s and was surprised how well they worked.  I'm guessing the error rates on these tapes wasn't too bad because with binary data, only having 2 values to represent meant you could make it pretty clear which was which.  It wasn't like playing an E versus an F on a piano (most humans couldn't tell you which was which) it was probably more like playing the very lowest note on a piano versus the very highest (most humans could easily tell you which was which).

Digital as "Better"

The reason people think of digital as better than analog is because you can make a perfect copy of it.  A cassette tape with music on it is analog.  If you recall, every time you made a copy of one, the quality deteriorated a little.  If you made a copy of your friend's tape, then another friend made a copy of your copy, it sounded noticeably worse than the original.  An analogy for modern times might be if you take a picture with your phone, and then someone takes a picture of your phone's screen, and then someone else takes a picture of their phone's screen.  That 3rd picture's not going to look too good.

If you made copies with a low quality tape recorder vs a higher quality one, it made a difference.  It might even make a difference if you made the copy in a room that was really hot or humid.  This is because the data on the tape was analog, and the tape recorder reading that tape is not precise enough to read the data exactly.  In the same way, while the best trombone player in the world is very very close to hitting that E on their instrument, their finger placement will probably actually be sharp or flat by at least a nanometer or two...

However, if you make a copy of a music CD, you can make a copy of that copy, and a copy of that copy, etc. and it will be an exact copy of the original.  The original and all of the copies are perfectly identical.  The modern analogy would of course be just emailing the picture to your friend so that they have a copy.

Why We Care

Basically, it's simply much easier to make an exact copy of something that is stored using discrete values.  For computers to execute computer programs exactly the same way every time, digital is the way to go.  Most of the time, when a program crashes or doesn't do what you want, it's not running it wrong.  It's running the program - with all of its bugs - exactly as it was written.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Information Science: Information is Meaningless Without Context - Now With Puppies!


Most simple text editors will open any file and try to display it as text.  This phenomenon is where this post came from... a junior coworker asked why an .exe looks like garbled text when viewed with a text editor.

The answer is context.

What does "10110101101000101110101110" mean?  

Well it depends on who you ask.
Let's put those exact bits into a file called:
  • my_file.jpeg and open it with Photoshop - it's going to be interpreted as an image
  • my_file.mp3 and open it with iTunes - it's going to be interpreted as sound
  • my_file.txt and open it with Notepad - it's going to be interpreted as text

That's oversimplifying it because some standard file types such as jpegs and mp3s must always start with a "header" that basically says "this is an mp3," but let's ignore that for a moment.  Let's just talk about the 1s and 0s that represent the song in the mp3 file.

How many puppies does "11" represent - A, B, or C?




The answer again is context.
  • If "11" is read as decimal (base 10, which we all use in everyday life), then it's A.
  • If "11" is read as binary (base 2), then it's B.
  • If "11" is read as octal (base 8), then it's C.

For a quick read on this, see Information Science - A Simple Explanation of Base Number Systems: Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal

So when a program like iTunes sees a string of 1s and 0s it's going to read it as sound, and if it's just a random string of 1s and 0s, it'll be pretty noisy.  An .exe file is supposed to be read by the operating system, so if you open it with a text editor it tries to turn the 1s and 0s into a bunch of letters, so it just looks like garbled text.

Other examples

Human Languages

To think of this yet another way, I could write "Plato" on a piece of paper and give it to someone who speaks English and they'd probably interpret it as the name of the Greek philosopher.  If I give that same piece of paper to someone who speaks Spanish, they'd probably interpret it as a flat round thing you eat food off of ("plato" is Spanish for the English word "plate").

Character encoding schemes

Similarly to the decimal vs binary example, we have different standards that make a specific set of bits represent different readable symbols.  Some examples you may have heard of are ASCII and ANSI.  Let's take this set of bits:
01001000 01000101 01011001 00100001

ASCII was thought of long ago as a simple character set with a small range of 00000000 to 11111111 (a total of 255 unique characters), so each of the 4 chunks above represent a character... in fact it represents "HEY!"

Unicode is intended to be the last character set we'll ever need, so it has a huge range of 1,114,112 unique characters, currently only around 100,000 of which are used.  It's a much more complex system, including the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, and Thai alphabets (along with others) and all kinds of symbols for music, math, just about anything you can think of.  Suffice to say, if you give a long string of 1s and 0s, interpreting it as ASCII and Unicode will likely not yield the same result.

To sum up...

and reiterate (to a hopefully tediously clear degree): information in a file is just like information in the real world - it can only be correctly understood if the context is correctly understood first.

Information Science - A Simple Explanation of Base Number Systems: Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal


I Googled for a quick, simple explanation of this and was very surprised when I failed to find one, so here we go.  Oh, and the whole puppies thing is a reference to this post.


The base is just defined by how many characters we have to represent numbers.
  • In binary (base two), we use characters 0, 1
  • In octal (base eight), we use characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • In decimal (base ten), we use characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • In hexadecimal (base sixteen), we use characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
In decimal we can represent zero to nine puppies using only one character.  At that point if we add another puppy, we have to move over a spot and start over with the one character, so we count:
  • zero 00
  • one 01
  • two 02
  • three 03
  • four 04
  • five 05
  • six 06
  • seven 07
  • eight 08
  • nine 09
  • ten 10  --  here we start reusing characters...
  • eleven 11
  • twelve 12

but for binary we only have two characters with which to represent puppies, so we have to move over a lot quicker:
  • zero 000
  • one 001
  • two 010  --  quickly we start reusing characters...
  • three 011
  • four 100
  • five 101
  • six 110

similarly for octal, we count:
  • zero 00
  • one 01
  • two 02
  • three 03
  • four 04
  • five 05
  • six 06
  • seven 07
  • eight 10  --  here we start reusing characters...
  • nine 11
  • ten 12

and finally, for hexadecimal, we have to "make up" some extra characters that we're not used to (since most humans are used to the decimal, or base 10, system), so someone long ago chose the letters A-F:
  • zero 00
  • one 01
  • two 02
  • three 03
  • four 04
  • five 05
  • six 06
  • seven 07
  • eight 08
  • nine 09
  • ten 0A
  • eleven 0B
  • twelve 0C
  • thirteen 0D
  • fourteen 0E
  • fifteen 0F
  • sixteen 10  --  finally we start reusing characters...
  • seventeen 11
  • eighteen 12

Hexadecimal can be a little weird to think about but try thinking about it this way:  if someone created five hundred unique characters that we used to count things, we could just point to a herd of, for example, four hundred and eighty puppies in a park, and you could use a single character to represent that number. That character would uniquely identify the number of puppies you see sniffing and playing and rolling in the dirt.  My guess is that you would spontaneously explode from how cute it was.

A generic formula for figuring out what a number means in your base

So the generic formula for figuring out how many puppies we're talking about is to take the base multiplied by itself the number of times we've had to "move over a spot" and then multiply it by the number in that spot.

So "432" in decimal:
  • ten * ten * four +
  • ten * three +
  • two =
  • Four hundred and thirty two

"432" Octal:
  • eight * eight * four +
  • eight * three +
  • two =
  • Two hundred and eighty two

"2BC" Hex:
  • sixteen * sixteen * two +
  • sixteen * eleven +
  • twelve =
  • Seven hundred

"1101" Binary:
  • two * two * two * one +
  • two * two * one  +
  • two * zero +
  • one =
  • Thirteen

The formula can also be expressed as "the base raised to the power of the number of times you've had to "move over a spot."  It's just the same.  For example:

"432" in decimal:
  • ten to the second power * four +
  • ten to the first power * three +
  • ten to the zeroth power * two =
  • Four hundred and thirty two

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Automation Strategy (Email): Putting Intelligence into Your Library Methods


This is an email I sent to my team who had written some if statements which were dependent on the customer in use (customers could customize their UIs to some extent).  I let them know that since several customers will have similar UIs, we don't need to do an if based on each customer ID, we can put some intelligence into the method so it can decide what to do based on what the UI looks like.

In general, I'm not interested in testing that the UI is correct and that the test data is set up correctly - I'm interested in testing the logic, e.g. add to cart, change quantity, make a purchase.  That statement is relevant here because let's say customer 1234's should be set up to use UI version A and there's a bug in UI version A.  The test should fail.  But if the test data has customer 1234 set up to use UI version B, the automation will happily use UI version B and may pass.  But I would argue that's a data setup problem, not an automation problem, and would be a problem even if the test were run manually.


Currently in we have code that looks like this:

 public void addProductToShoppingCart(CheckOutProduct checkOutProductString catalog) {
if (catalog.equals(StaticData.US_CATALOG_1234) {
//do one thing
else {
//do a different thing

If we use lots of manufacturers, this list will get big.  This method addProductToShoppingCart() does not have much intelligence in it, and theoretically the manufacturer's page could change.  Something we can do instead of blindly relying on the manufacturer ID is to make the method more intelligent.  The method could analyze the page, such as:

 public void addProductToShoppingCart(CheckOutProduct checkOutProductString catalog) {
if (navigationLinkA.isPresent()) {
//do one thing
if (navigationLinkB.isPresent()) {
//do a different thing

An example of this would be in the selling portal – some customers have a side navigation link with text "Part Numbers" and other have a link that has text "List by Part Number"

In fact, now that I think about it, a better solution would be to have a method called "navigateToPartList()" and put these if statements in there, then all addProductToShoppingCart() would do is call navigateToPartList()... 

As I've said many times before, let's keep pushing that work farther down the road (make someone else do it), and have lots and lots of very simple, reusable methods.

As always, this is not the best solution in all cases.  Using the customer ID is perfectly fine sometimes, this is just an alternative way of doing things.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Automation Strategy (Email): We Will Achieve Efficiency Through Correctness, Not Speed

I just thought this was important enough to make a post about.  At first I thought it would be self-explanatory, but in case it isn't - I'm talking about team efficiency, not processor efficiency, although the case could be made there as well.

This is a team of contractors who, like most contractors, wanted to pump out tests and executions.  I consistently ask them to slow down and write good code so that our pull requests go faster and our code requires less debugging during automation execution.

From: JW

Date: Monday, November 26, 2018 at 1:20 PM

To: AP, VG

Subject: Re: Test_Automation(22-Nov-2018)

Please always pay attention to details.  Our Pull Request numbers and SQA Project numbers are very close.  Below it says PR 475 but should be SQA-475.  Not a big deal, but just go a little slower - we will become the most efficient by prioritizing correctness over speed.  The same is true for writing clear, understandable code.  We need to think more about the next developer than we do about ourselves.  If it takes you extra time to save your teammate time, please do it - a week later you may be the one receiving this gift!

Automation Lead

From: AP
Date: Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 10:45 AM
To: JW
Subject: Test_Automation(22-Nov-2018)

Hello Team,
As per plan of action, team worked on automated suite execution and failure analysis of 18.12 release.

  • Worked on failure analysis of OR and fulfiller-15569 automated regression tests(SQA-469)
  • Updated the Wiki page for 11 known issues of 18.12 release. 
  • Reviewed PR 475 and updated comments in JIRA for it
  • Reviewed PR-419 and updated comments in JIRA for it
  • Created PR-423,PR-424 for SQA-453 and completed it

Tomorrow's plan of action:- To continue work on fixing the failed test-script and handling prescripts and further work on SQA board tickets.


Automation Strategy (Email): Method Naming - Do What You Promise

I have always made clear how critically important method names are.  Sometimes the difference is very big and sometimes is it more subtle.  I just want to point out a couple of examples I've just seen.

A pretty big one is

which looks to see if a user exists, but if it does not, it creates a new user.  Creating a new user has NOTHING to do with verifying a user's existence.  I have created an issue to refactor the name to verifyOrCreateUser()

I would expect this method to enter text fields on a page.  What it actually does is enter all the text fields, then click the Create User button.  This is a subtle difference, but in some refactoring, Vibhav renamed it to

which I believe is a better name, because this method does more than simply entering details.

Every time you write a new method, give serious thought to what its name should be.  The next developer to come along will waste a lot of time and be upset with you if your method says one thing but actually does another (or does more than what it says).  It would be like if you asked someone "Please get me a drink" and they said "No problem," then they got you a drink, drank all of it, and handed you an empty cup.  Don't be that guy!

Note that we didn't change the name from

instead, we go up a level in abstraction and just called it

This helps avoid creating methods with very long names.  If you have any questions or would like suggestions for method names, please ask.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Automation Strategy: Externalize All Your Strings


We need to externalize all the strings we use in our locators, such as "User order number" or validation methods, such as "Order Created."  Why?
  1. It'll make your code more maintainable if that string changes
  2. It keeps things organized
  3. Internationalization (i18n)
  4. Multi-platform automation
From the outset, you might as well plan for i18n by including a switch for locale (not language). Language is "English."   Locale is "American English" and looks like "en_US" or "en-US" depending on who you ask.  Google it.  I like to model the strings exactly as they are, including capitalization and punctuation:

This works well for automating small to medium apps that themselves maximize code reuse.  But for big (or legacy) applications it may not be the best approach due to non-standardization, your mileage may very.

And for multi-platform automation... (there is a lot more work involved, but this is part of the deal...)

Ok I'm going to be honest right now. I wrote the part above tonight and this next part 2 years ago and I don't even know what language this is. The filenames are .cs but I don't even know C# well enough to know if you can define methods like this, I might have just used .cs because gist colorization was good.  Hmm, now I'm thinking it's just pseudocode.

Anyway, the last thing I'll say about externalizing strings is about dynamic strings.
Here's option 1, strings live in the data file and you compose them in the page object class:

This is fine, but will require everyone who uses those strings to do all that string concatenation themselves, which is code duplication. It will also become a problem when the translation is weird. Maybe in American English we'd say "Order number 404 is on its way!" but in Canadian English they'd say "404 is the number of the order comin' at ya, eh!" If this were the case, our stringA + orderID + stringB wouldn't work, or would be wonky. Let's just write methods to generate those strings instead, and notice how it's used in the page class:

And you could even get really crazy and do kind of a mix, which lets you have both the individual strings as well as the pre-composed dynamic strings. It just depends on what you need for your situation:

Automation Strategy: Keep Going With Page Objects (Don't Stop at Locators)

Stopping at the Simplest Implementation of POM

I don't love the Page-Object Model (POM).  Actually, I just don't love the way many teams implement it.  When they stop at giving their page elements locators, they end up with elements that look like

Reusing Page Objects in Other Page Objects

It's these last few that get me. Any time I see redundant code it makes me cringe. Let's level-up:

This can probably only be achieved if you've wrapped your Selenium tool's WebElement and WebDriver class. Hopefully you did this. It will take a little cleverness and adding some constructors, but it should be doable.

Dynamic Elements Using Methods, Not Variables

I find myself kicking the can down the road, or pushing the work down to a lower level like this all the time. "Make someone else do the work" I say. If I'm in the middle of writing a method and I think for one second that what I'm about to write could be used somewhere else, I try to encapsulate that work in a method. Better yet, I imagine what I'd pass into that method, what it would return to me, and continue writing my current method as if that helper method exists and keep going. Later on I'll write the helper methods into existence. 

In this case, while we're writing createAndViewOrder(), we don't want to worry about how we find the orderConfirmation element, we just want to assume it works and use it, so let's move it out of the method.  Before:


Does this buy you a lot right now? Not really. But
  1. it might buy you something down the road during a refactor
  2. it makes your functional method easier to read
  3. it literally takes 15 extra seconds


It goes to a frame of mind that is good to get into when writing automation code - avoid UI specifics in functional methods, because you're likely to re-use that UI element again. There's a LOT of patterns when writing automation code from how your tests are constructed to how you find page objects to how you interact with the app, so you really have to be on guard and work against code duplication, this is just one of the ways.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Automation Strategy: Positively Do Negative Testing With should_fail()


An old adage is "don't code for the exception," which is along the lines of Keep It Simple Stupid. This doesn't mean you don't expect and handle exceptions, bad data, etc., but that you should try to avoid extensive, complex coding for very rare cases.

I try to employ this in automation development just like any other software development, therefore when I write higher-level methods, I write them for the 95% case (the rule), and avoid the 5% case (the exception). For example, if I'm writing a login() method and after logging in, there's a popup that I will dismiss in 95% of my test cases, I will include the dismissal in the login() method. If I'm using a language that supports optional parameters, God forbid I have to work in a language that doesn't, maybe I'll take an optional parameter dismiss=True.

I'm actually quite proud of this should_fail() stuff.  I always aim to simplify the test scripts so they can be written by less technical people (hey, isn't that the point of cucumber/gherkin blah blah blah) and should_fail() aids in that as well as keeping your tests user-centric instead of UI-centric. This way, you can use your great Flow methods even though they feel like they're designed for positive-path testing.

For this example, we're logging in, then verifying we're on the Home page.  In this system, if the "passed" variable isn't true by the time the test is over, the test is considered to have failed.
Here's the positive test:

Now For Negative Testing

Everything's hunky dory, which now that I type it is a very strange phrase. For the simple negative test, we'll try to login and then verify that we're still on the login page... that we have not advanced to the homepage (we could also look for an error message such as "User not found"). We can't use login() because it will try to dismiss that modal after we login and throw an ElementNotFoundException or something like that, so we'll have to use clicks:

Using Exceptions the Simple Way

Well that doesn't look too bad, but it was very-UI centric, and as our automation gets more complex, maintainability of these negative tests is going to become a factor. If all our positive testing is done using Flows, we've thrown it out the window and reverted to using page objects. Ok, let's actually try it with login() and just catch the exception:

Using should_fail()

That works, but it's a lot of code. Let's hide and generalize that code in our should_fail() method:

Ok, there's definitely some syntax to learn there, but not too much. Let's see how should_fail() works:

One thing you might notice is the hardcoding of the error messages. Those would be in some kind of dataStrings.rb file or something. The other is that I'm throwing around exceptions here quite a bit. This is not necessarily something you can shove into a pre-existing system that doesn't use exceptions very much, or doesn't use custom exception messages. All my wrapper click() and find() and type_text() and everything else methods throw exceptions with clear, relevant messages in order to make debugging easier.

Summary and Tying in Flows

So again, the whole point of this is so you can write your negative tests using Flow methods. Let's say in the example below that returning an order is a multi-step process. If we were to write this negative test using the page objects only similar to my Test_Negative_Using_Clicks() above, we would be reverting to a long test that was very tied to the UI. So by using positive testing of negative tests, we can stay user-centric and high-level, even if your task is complex. In the example below we're going to try to return an non-returnable item:

The last thing I'll say is the error I'm looking for here is very high-level. Sometimes it's difficult or tedious to make your Flow methods do this, so maybe in this example, we would have tried to click a button as part of the return process but it wasn't there or was disabled, etc. In that case, we'd just have to catch the more generic "... does not exist" exception, and this does tie us to the UI. The usefulness of this system, like all automation, depends on the context of the system you're testing.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Automation Strategy: Flow vs Page Objects Part 2 - Test Data Abstraction

In my first post on Flow vs Page Objects, it became clear that as we move up in layers of abstraction, our tests get shorter, but the data required to execute those tests remains the same. If we were just using page objects, we could do something simple such as...

Using Flows

...but again, we want to focus on the user, and if you asked the user what they do on this page, they wouldn't say "This is the page where I put in my first name, then last name, then street, then city, then state, then zip code," they would say "This is where I put in my address." So let's do that:


This is going to get overwhelming quickly, on top of which it's not maintainable. You might think the structure of a user's address doesn't change much, but maybe it's a voting website and they now require you to put in your state representative district number. Yeah, it can and will change. It needs to be maintainable. Now all our address tests need to be updated.

If you ask a user what their address is, they don't say "My street is 123 Main St. My city is Austin. My state is Texas," they say "My address is 123 Main St, Austin, Texas." So instead of passing in all the pieces of information that form an address, let's just pass in an address:

Maintenance Moves from Tests to the Data Source and Related Classes

The trick here of course is that our data source is going to have to get smarter. That's up to you, whether it's coming from a file, a DB, XML, JSON, who knows. The point is, when we add the state rep district number, the things that have to change are:

  1. The data itself.  And yes, if we have 1 data file for every test, then yes, we'll have to update a bunch of files.  This will have to be done in any system, and if you reuse the same data file in N tests, then it won't be a ton of files to update.
  2. The code to get the data from the file.  If well designed, this should be trivial, and if very well designed, this might not have to change at all.
  3. The classes or containers (such as Structs in C++) that hold the data. This should be trivial.
  4. The PO class needs a new object for the new UI element. Trivial.
  5. The Flow code that actually enters the data into the UI using that PO. Trivial.

Let's say our data file looks like this, then we add the district number to the end:

and our code for holding the data looks like this, then all we have to do is update that last line:

and our Page class (the Flow doesn't do much in this trivial case):


So that's it. You're going to have to update the data and how the data gets input into the UI regardless, there's no magic bullet for those. But this way, your tests don't change. Again, this is a simple example. The more complex it gets or the bigger a change to the application's workflow, the more this extra abstraction will pay off.

The last thing I'll say is this: notice we're updating the address, but the flow isn't updateAddressFlow, it's just addressFlow. I encourage grouping related functionality together. In fact, where we're doing this now, for the smaller of our dozen or so applications, there's just a single flow for each application. How you break that up is a trade-off you make between having tons of code files and having tons of code in just a few files.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Email: Git best practice - break up Pull Requests into smallish commits

Hi All,
We have talked about the size of commits, the size of PRs, etc. and here is an example where I’m creating a small/medium sized feature which touches a lot of parts of the code
  • environment data
  • test data
  • helper methods
  • extending existing classes
  • the test method itself

My goal here is to show an example of breaking a PR up into small, related commits so that it’s easier to code review.  The whole feature has to go in 1 PR because all the parts of this PR depends on all the other parts, and together it’s several hundred lines of code.  But if you look at the individual commits, it’s easier to see what I was trying to do.  I did an ok job with this but surely could have done better, especially the last commit, which is pretty big.

An important thing here is that just because you have changed lot of files or even if you have changed several parts of a single file, you do not have to commit everything you have changed.  Sourcetree makes it easy to “stage” files or parts of a file which will get committed when you call commit (for more on staging, see here).  This way, even if you have a lot of changes, you can still make commits that group related pieces of code together to make life easier for the code reviewer – and hopefully for all of us since the reviewer is more likely to catch any issues with your code.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Automation Strategy: Flow vs Page Objects Part 1 - or - If You Think Page Objects are Enough, Think Harder


The Page Object Model (POM) has been the de facto standard in UI automation using Selenium for years now.  Here* is a typical primer on the subject.  This primer does a perfectly reasonable job of showing how people normally use POM, and it also clearly shows the reason that using POM the way I've seen a lot of people use it is insufficient for writing maintainable tests.

The problem is illuminated in the author's 5th reason for using POM: "Any change in UI can easily be implemented, updated and maintained into the Page Objects and Classes."  If you've done this for a while, you'll notice what is not said here - that a change in business process or higher-level user interaction with the site cannot be easily implemented in our automation.  For that type of change, if we were to only use POM, we'd have to update all of the related tests. That is to say, this style of POM is sufficient for encapsulation and maintainability of UI elements and structure, but we need something higher-level to encapsulate and maintain business processes.

Typical POM

As a trivial example, let's say you have this PO class and test:

You're going to have hundreds of other tests that contain this same login code of course.  What happens when the id of the username field changes?  With POM, you're golden.  You just update the username element on your LoginPage class.  But what happens when there's a new step in logging in?  Now all of your tests have to change to look like:

As an automation developer, you can be certain that your site will change - and not just in rearrangement or renaming elements on a page. Some people will say "Hey, I've got a method called login() in my LoginPage class, so that's all I'll have to update." Well kudos, you're a big step closer, let's check it out. We have the login() method to our LoginPage class, so all we do is add the element and the line in the login() method. While we're at it, we'll put the goto() in there. That way our test will be super clean and maintainable:

You will be good to go for this trivial example. But what about when your company decides to change a business process in your app? Let's say you want to add a step in a checkout process such as buying a couch. In the past, you had the code below... you were smart so you even wrapped clicking submitButton with a method, not wanting to mix the use of PO methods like loginPage.login() and use of the PO elements themselves like

The Issue...

The problem is that we're still modeling the interaction with the UI - we're focused on the website. What we should be modeling is what the user wants to do. The user doesn't want to select from a dropdown on pageA and click some buttons on pageB, they're trying to buy a couch, and we're not encapsulating that anywhere, except arguably in the test. That's too late, because we're going to have dozens of really similar tests where the user just wants to do a tiny thing different, such as choosing express shipping vs. regular shipping, so all that test code is going to be duplicated, and we're not going to be DRY at all.

In this example our app changed, and now we have an "assembly and delivery" step. All our tests have to change again:

Flow classes

The Flow class is intended to do this encapsulation and abstraction for us.  It models what the user is trying to accomplish (user stories?) when they're using your application.  Let's check it out:

And now your tests can model the use cases, and they simply looks like:

So maybe the title of this post shouldn't be Flow vs Page Objects, because both layers are useful and work together. The POs encapsulate the UI, and the Flow encapsulates the business rules. Then the tests simply encapsulate the use cases. Honestly, if your app is small enough, like a mobile app, you can do both in the Flow class. I've done this successfully, but a UI refactor probably would have cost me more than if I'd done a proper PO layer.

Looking at the test case, you probably see the potential problems:
  1. The more work we make our methods do, the more data we have to pass in to let them know how to do it. For this, we'll have to start consolidating data elements into their logical groups. I'll talk about that in the next post here.
  2. Using flows works great for positive tests, but what about negative tests?  I'll talk about that in this post.


The next post in this series is Automation Strategy: Flow vs Page Objects Part 2

*In case the site I referenced is deleted, here is a webArchive of it

Automation Strategy: Cucumber for Testing - You're (Very Possibly) Doing it Wrong

Potential Issues

The first time I worked on test automation was around 2006, and when I started seeing people using Cucumber I didn't get it.  I always thought there were a lot of problems with thinking that a human-readable English DSL (domain-specific language) was going to solve your problems.  The most immediate one was that English doesn't compile.  Enter Step Definitions, which take a lot of time to write, translating the English to the method calls in your code.  In addition, having everyone agree on the exact syntax of the Gherkin seemed like a huge challenge.  For the simplest case of being logged in, is it "Given I am logged in" or "Given I'm already logged in" or "Given I have logged in?"  All of this just to have tests written in English... no way.


I have been using Flows in addition to or instead of Page Objects in my frameworks for years, and I wanted to show someone a side-by-side comparison of my Flow methods calls vs Gherkin.  Here's the example from a test a few companies ago.  This (flow code) is actual code from the test.

GherkinUsing Flows
Given a user is logged inflow.login(user01)
When a user adds a pen to the cartflow.add_to_cart(pen)
And the user checks outcheckout_total = flow.checkout()
Then the receipt is viewableflow.verify_receipt_exists()
And the cart is emptyflow.verify_cart_is_empty()
And the receipt total equals the order totalflow.verify_receipt_total_equals(checkout_total)

The beauty of having this flow class is that with a decent IDE, you type "flow." and you'll be given a list of all the methods in the class, which is easier than remembering the exact Gherkin phrase.

I had been having these thoughts for a while.  I have never seen people using Cucumber but always wanted to.  Some people I know and respect say it's useful or that they've seen it done.  Then I saw this post* by Aslak Hellesøy, the author of Cucumber, and was so happy to have my beliefs confirmed.  It's a quick read, but basically he says if you're just using Cucumber for automated testing, you're missing the point.

Cucumber is a BDD tool, and the automated tests are a byproduct of the process.  If the testing team is the ones "doing Cucumber" you likely need to reevaluate your situation.  Using Cucumber correctly involves buy-in from product and development as well as QA.

For more on Flow vs Page Object, check our my post here.

*web archive of Aslak's post

Monday, January 1, 2018

Information Science: Visualizing x^4 and Higher Powers

Someone online asked "We can imagine x^2 as a square and x^3 as a cube. How can we imagine x^4 and other high powers?" and I had considered this thought experiment in college working with multidimensional arrays.  Many people get hung up thinking about physical dimensions of height, width, length and fail to realize that many attributes of an object or system can be considered a dimension.  So here's my answer:

Hopefully it's clear the upper left (of the 9) boxes is your first cube.  Then you can see you have arrays and eventually cubes of cubes (x^6). 

This works well for data representation, at least to x^5.  For example let's take x^4, and let our dimensions be length, width, height, and time:

We can see the length, width, and height at each point in time.  The object we're representing is getting smaller as time progresses.  Maybe it's an ice cube.

Maybe in the x^5 scenario, our 5th dimension could be temperature, so the top row could be some "medium temperature," the middle row could be "very hot" and the bottom could be "very cold" so the ice cube doesn't melt at all:

If you are working in higher order math, being able to visualize (and hopefully the need to visualize) goes out the window pretty quickly.